Macy Neal & Keturah Stewart partnered with Augusta University to offer positions to students in the Federal Work Study program. Students who are strategically looking for opportunities to hone their skills and apply what they are learning in their area of study are hired to complement the team of Currently Macy Neal and Keturah Stewart are in house to assist with administrative endeavors including grant proposals, accreditation, member management, and marketing. They also help coordinate events and aid in the recruitment process for programs.


"My favorite thing about working in the communications field is having the opportunity to meet a wide range of great people.”

- Macy Neal


Following an initial course track in Nursing, Macy decided on a career in Mass Communications. Macy shared, “I wanted a career that comes naturally to me. A job that I am passionate about, where each day is different and exciting. A job where I can be creative and not responsible for someone’s life.” After a few years working a variety of jobs, Macy began to look for a position that could help her gain experience in the communications field. She first heard about through her friend Rain Walker, a Start-Up Life and Code Boot Camp participant.

Macy exclaimed, “Rain told me they might be hiring so I immediately searched in Handshake for openings at Handshake is an Augusta University student resource that lists job openings in the area. Luckily, they were!” Macy joined team in late spring of 2019. Macy works as a communications assistant and a receptionist at She is also a staff writer for Augusta University's magazine, The Phoenix.

Macy plans to continue with until graduation. At that time, she hopes to move to the Atlanta area for a public relations position. Enthusiastically, Macy shared, “The beauty of a career in communications is I have so many options! Ideally, I would like to either work with an arts & entertainment media platform or somewhere that deals with animal rights and preservation. I am open to anything and excited to see where this degree takes me!”

Keturah Stewart similarly found her way to “I was looking for a work-study job and was so excited to see something at pop up on Handshake,” Keturah said. Continuing, “I had heard so much about and the new Cyber Center. Community involvement is something that is very important to me, so this seemed like the perfect opportunity.”

Keturah is an English major and History minor. She tells us her favorite part about her degree is, “the intersections between my literature and history courses, and how they help to increase my experience and knowledge of the other." Following graduation, she plans to attend law school for Environmental Law. She explained, “Preserving and protecting the beauty of the natural environment and world checks all my boxes. At the same time, it fulfills my love for tedious document perusal.”

Being a detail-oriented person, Keturah is assisting with compliance submissions at Keturah considers herself an analyst by nature. Whether in the context of English, Chinese, or possibly law in the future, she thoroughly enjoys the process of research and analysis, sifting through data, and piecing together puzzles.

“In my time as a Mandarin linguist, my current course work in college, and in the future, analysis has been and will be a common thread,” she explained. “Being of service and being part of a team that is service-driven is also very important to me and anything I've done or will do will definitely be service, community, or non-profit oriented.” She states, “Assisting with submissions has been new and challenging for me! Therefore equal parts fun and rewarding. I’m excited to be a part of something so great for the CSRA!”


“It’s so inspiring to see all the creativity and passion each entrepreneur is bringing into their projects and all the innovation happening here in It’s a great reminder to keep your frame of mind not on, ‘I’ll do my best,' but on ‘I’ll find a way.’”

- Keturah Stewart

Applicable assignments are the most engaging part of any job. Macy is involved with the communications and marketing side of things at She shared, “Working at has given me hands-on experience in working for a local non-profit. I practice networking, coordinating events and programs, including SantaCon 2019, which was a huge success! When I interned for the Arts in the Heart of Augusta festival this past fall, I was able to use our space to hold meetings and work! Without that, I'm not sure what I would have done. I am so grateful to work for; they have taught and given me so much." currently in search of a Federal Work Study student for the Maker Lab Technician position. Check out or email to learn more.


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