Collaboration is better than Competition
We believe that every community deserves a place where people can connect with others, share ideas, find support, and learn new skills. Where these places exist, people create opportunities and local economies thrive. Our mission is to foster a culture of innovation and collaboration in Augusta and its surrounding region through educational and community building programs to support inclusive entrepreneurship and technology development.
theClubhou.se is a volunteer led nonprofit that provides coworking, clubs, and classes.
Our community thrives when its institutions collaborate to ensure that everyone has the resources and opportunities to meet their potential.
Our mission:
theClubhou.se inspires ideas, creates companies, and builds community. Founded in 2012, theClubhou.se is a division of Hack Augusta, inc., non-profit 501(c)3 dedicated to growing a culture of innovation and collaboration.
Our Impact:
theClubhou.se has direct supported more than 50,000 people through events, classes, clubs, and coworking.
More than 5,000 people have attended a class or mentoring session facilitated by theClubhou.se
theClubhou.se has helped more than 2,000 people launch and grow a business and create jobs in the Augusta region.
“Those who walk through the doors of theClubhou.se move from average to amazing in a single step”
New Augustan | Summer 2019

Entrepreneur Support
Entrepreneurship is a vital part of America’s promise, a central means of securing our unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We strive to support that promise today and to endow future generations with the freedom to make, create, and build the world along four guiding principles
Please contact us if you are interested in investing in or mentoring a startup.
Startup growth by year
Code Boot Camp
A technology workforce is essential to growing local economies. theClubhou.se Code Boot Camp, provides an effective model to rapidly train a workforce to meet the needs of growing rural and mid-size cities. This program was developed in partnership with the Technical College System of Georgia, WorkSource Georgia, the Georgia Department of Economic Development, and over 20 industry partners the past six years. Our model can be used nationwide and keeps tuition costs highly affordable. The majority of students accepted are able to access federal financial aid so that there is no cost to the participant or your organization.
Please contact us if your company would like to partner to grow talent.
Student growth per year
Ready to help?

Be an innovation patron
Your donation helps transform lives through entrepreneurship and technology training and support programs.
Our Make Startups program provides training, mentorship, and office space for entrepreneurs. We help them start their own company and leave poverty behind.
We help people with limited skills learn coding and start their career through our hackathons and Code Boot Camp.
Make a one time contribution
Select any amount by clicking this button
Make a monthly contribution!
Consider a corporate or philanthropic membership
In addition to gaining access to our space, meeting, and training facilities, corporate and philanthropic members help us support the skills development of those in need. How would you like to help?
Support a free workshop series
Create a scholarship for someone in need
Provide a microloan
You can help a disadvantaged entrepreneur can start from a stronger foundation
Provide Make Startups tuition for 6 entrepreneurs
Statistics show that at least 5 will successfully launch their business, pay themselves a salary, and net $125K of economic impact for disadvantaged communities
The work we do is perfectly positioned to help Downtown Soul City and every other nonprofit in Augusta really understand how to sustain their work