Crystal Smith Photography
Creating an opportunity is often better than waiting for one to come your way. During the beginning of the pandemic, Crystal Smith started a business and within three months she went part-time with her job. By the end of 2020, she stopped working for someone else. One year into entrepreneurship, she has a packed schedule she manages.
“The pandemic really changed my outlook on life,” said Crystal Smith, “I wanted to do something meaningful.” During the initial quarantine in April of 2020, Crystal decided to learn a new skill by leveraging her gift of creativity: photography. Crystal knew stepping into professional photography was a serious step and in order to create amazing photographs... she needed an amazing camera. Capitalizing on the moment, Crystal confessed, “I actually used the first Stimulus Check in April 2020 to purchase my camera!”
Crystal deciding to venture into a new endeavor with such an investment was not surprising to those that know her well. Every step along the way in her life, she has raised the bar on herself to achieve more. She has a master’s degree in Kinesiology, authored four books, been a preacher for eight years, and hosts a regular podcast. For fifteen years, Crystal worked in rehabilitation and teaching fitness. It was a good job with security, though the job was not satisfying a need to be passionate about her work. In 2016, she stepped away from her leadership position to found a non-profit, She Blossoms, which helps women find their purpose and establish a path to realization. During this time, she also worked as a volunteer coordinator for Hospice. As the pandemic arrived, she worked from home, though managing people who had no opportunities as the isolation requirements restricted their assignments left Crystal with some extra time on her hands. She remained full-time while laying the foundation of what would become a new business.
In May 2020, Crystal established her company: Crystal Smith Photography. She started with a mindset to have a business, saying, “I’m a go-getter! I like to do things all the way.” She began taking pictures of her children and family, as they were readily available and familiar subjects. She picked up clients by word of mouth at first and soon had regular activity.
In June, amidst the turmoil surrounding the protests over George Floyd’s death, Crystal heard many black men were having to explain, “America does not value us; does not value our lives.” Crystal shared, “I wanted to do something to show them that there are those of us who value you. I’ve been big on using my gift to help others. I’ve never been a political person, though I decided to do a photo project, ‘Through Our Eyes’, to feature black men in Augusta who were doing great things.” Someone recommended to the news to do a feature on the project, so they highlighted the project and interviewed Crystal and the men who were subjects of her photography series.
“Don’t let people steer you away from what you want to do and be,” Crystal says. “Many people try to put you in a box and make you think that if you do one thing, you can't do anything else. I just started a new career at the age of 41. I can do anything!”
Crystal continued developing her business by researching best practices for posing and lighting of her subjects to avoid mediocrity. She was inspired to make her success happen after watching a video by Peter McKinnon on YouTube about how to earn $3,000 in a month. Within four months, she had achieved that monthly income goal and recognized this would be an endeavor requiring her to create more time for herself to grow the business properly. She decided to go part-time in September to focus more on her photography. With the uptick in activity, Crystal realized she needed a reliable space for staging her portrait sessions. “Before joining,” laughing as she explained, “I was taking pictures in my kitchen!” Crystal continued, “I love working at It has benefitted my company by providing me with a space to take professional studio images. I love the sense of security, being around other business owners, and the clean professional atmosphere.”
Near the end of the 2020, Crystal got a gig in Savannah which paid more in one day than a week at her part-time job. She knew it was time for another shift, so she quit her part-time job and went all-in with her photography, six months from when she started the business.
Crystal has also reached out to photographers that are working at the level she wants to achieve, including Adam Schultz, who recently served as the portrait photographer for Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. Her perspective is that these professionals can impart wisdom from their experience which she can build upon. She has a healthy point of view on the competition. “I have learned that there is enough business to go around for all of us,” says Crystal, “You have your own eye and no one else can capture moments like you can.”
Speaking to her path into entrepreneurship, Crystal said, “I love the freedom to create, decide my schedule and not have to clock in and out. I have always wanted to be able to take my kids to school and pick them up from school every day.” Asking Crystal about the tremendously fast success of her business, she credits it to being true to herself, and her eye. “I know that I have an eye for this. Even though there are other photographers, no one else has MY eye. I knew that between my gift and my willingness to market myself, the combination would create opportunities and produce results. I didn’t think it would be this awesome!” As she began, Crystal says she made a point to always recognize where she was in her journey; to understand what she is doing at that particular moment and how it informs her vision. “Don’t let people steer you away from what you want to do and be,” she says. “Many people try to put you in a box and make you think that if you do one thing, you can't do anything else. I just started a new career at the age of 41. I can do anything!” We reckon Crystal believes the same for you!
Congratulations on the one year anniversary of Crystal Smith Photography!