This Meetup is for those who are interested in AI but have no or little experience in how it works. Fundamental concepts and basic implementations will be explored. Some knowledge of programming will be needed to understand the implementations, specifically in python. Concepts will be tied to how people really think about solving the same problems and how AI differs. For example, we will explore how to find a route through a maze and how to play basic games such as Tic-Tac-Toe. Implementations will be done on the programming challenge website HackerRank. All meetups will be independent, you will not need to go to previous meetups to understand the content of a current one.
First Meetup: Search
In this meetup, we will learn about the basic search methods depth first and breadth first search. Search is a fundamental concept in AI which is all about searching for a solution. We will learn about what a state space is and how to search through it to find the best route through the space. We will implement these in order to find routes through a maze.
About the Organizer
Connor recently graduated with his Master's degree in Computer Science from Georgia Tech with a focus in AI and machine learning. He also received his graduate degree from Georgia Tech in Biomedical Engineering. He has worked as a biomedical engineer and for the past several years has worked as a research consultant and coordinator writing published articles on cognitive neuroscience topics. He has 7 published works and recently had one published on virtual reality.